Monday, November 03, 2008

6 years and counting....

Yesterday Joel and I hit 6 years of marriage. We celebrated Saturday by going out to the Cheesecake Factory (love that place!!!), he also got me a CD I really wanted, and a couple of DVD's. I got him a nice Rockies polo and some new shoes. I'm such a dork, but no matter how much I want to get him something cool, practicality always wins out for me, and he really needed shoes! : P I know 6 years isn't a lot to some people, but it's a while, and we've definitely been through a lot!

I don't talk about my dear husband nearly enough, so I thought I would list some things I love about him.

1) He works really hard. He's working full-time AND doing school online right now, and I know he wasn't thrilled about that prospect. But he's been doing a great job. I just hope I've been as good as I've tried to be about giving him all of the time he needs for school at home. It's so hard some days not to just throw my hands up as soon as he gets home and make him deal with Christopher, but I'm really trying to be as supportive as I can. He is doing it for our family, after all.

2) He's always the first to apologize and forgive. Sometimes, this just makes me more angry, but I'm working on it! I just don't switch gears as fast, but I realize it's a blessing to me that he does.

3) He always puts me first. I have a hard time with this one too. I always have to remind myself that it's our partnership in marriage and with Heavenly Father first. It's so easy to put C ahead of everything else, because I think "well, he's the young child that I'm responsible for, and Joel is grown and should be able to take care of himself". I'm trying to learn that he and our relationship need nurturing just as often, if not more, than Christopher. Not sure this makes sense to anyone else, but it does to me!

4) He really is my best friend. No one gets me like he does, and he takes my side so automatically and vehemently in things that sometimes I'm taken aback. There's no one I'd rather spend my time with. And I guess it's a good thing, since we're stuck with each other for quite a while!

1 comment:

pjtemple said...

I have to tell you how much I can empathize with #3. I am so guilty of it!! I feel the same exact way about David and Kate. I tell myself that Kate "needs" me, David doesn't or Kate couldn't survive without me, David will be fine. David reminds me that he DOES need me, just like Kate. :) I often fall short, but I think I'm getting better.