Thursday, November 06, 2008

Election 2008

I thought I should probably blog about the big news of the week. If for no other reason, because it IS historic, and maybe I or my child(ren) or grandchildren will want to know how I felt about the whole thing in the future.

I make no secret of the fact that I did not vote for Barack Obama. But I knew he would probably win, for several reasons. My reasons for not voting for him are also many. His healthcare plan makes me nervous. I completely disagree with him on the subjects of abortion and infanticide. I also have concerns about whether he knows how to carry out his grand plans. But now, we will see. And certain things about having our first (partially) black president appeal to me. Our country has definitely come a long way. The only reason I thought he might not win was because of how prejudice a lot of people still are. I have no qualms about having a black president, I think in concept it's great; he's just not one I agree with. In the very beginning, I found him very intriguing, and not being thrilled with McCain, I wanted to look at both candidates very closely.

I think my bottom line is: I believe that people who work hard deserve to be rewarded, and that we should all be held responsible for our decisions. My family is certainly not in one of the upper brackets of income, and therefore will (supposedly) benefit from Obama's tax plans. However, I don't necessarily think wealthy people and big businesses should be taxed more to make up the difference. Most of those people went to a lot more school than I did, and have a lot more in student loans to payback. And as for the accountability part, I think a lot of things that liberals stand for disregard that. It's like "Here, go have sex unprotected and whenever you want, we'll create the morning-after pill and legalize abortion for you!" and the idea of universal healthcare kind of falls under the same category.

Anyway, I don't expect everyone to agree. That's what makes our country great. I just wanted to remember specifically my thoughts on the situation. I am anxious to see how the situation unfolds. It was definitely exciting to watch the news and see the people so passionate about what they had come together to do. And I respect their beliefs and their excitement, and in a lot of ways, I hope they're right. We shall see!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I like hearing/reading about other people's thoughts about the election. It is all very interesting to me and an eye opener as well. Funny what you take for granted hey.

I hope we can all find some peace in the decision that the American public made on November 4th.

Here's to our future!!