Wednesday, November 19, 2008

patchwork thoughts

Like the title says, this is just a random post to catch up a little bit on everything.

1) The salon is getting busier, which is great. But I still would like to be there more, and more regularly. But it's been really good for me altogether. It's forced me to talk to new people, both in attempting to get more clients, and meeting more people in the industry. The people who work around me are great, I'm having a blast getting to know them.

2) I've been subbing at the high school a bit the past couple of weeks. Which means C has been spending time with Grammy and Papa. He never wants to leave there. Monday when I picked him up, he was helping rake leaves. I have pictures of this somewhere. They did the front lawn and the next-door neighbors (who just moved in and are friends from my parents' ward). C was so proud to help. He thinks he's Papa's little shadow and can help him with everything.

3) Just one month now til we leave for vacation. I am SO excited. It's taking everything I have not to post everyday about Disney and cruising and seeing both families for Christmas. I can NOT wait.

4) I hate computers. I have become so dependant on them. We just got ours back, which means I still have to load everything on. Thus, there are no pictures yet, even tho they are waiting in the camera. If I don't check my email, facebook, family website, and friends' blogs everyday, I am lost. Not to mention Joel is going to college online and needs to do schoolwork almost every day. My parents gave us their old laptop to get us through, but it's just a pain to not have our computer with all of the programs we need on a consistent basis, and I can't figure out why it keeps happening!

5) I've been doing the Grocery Game. I never thought I would actually do it, but I joined up and have already saved a lot of money. We spent $54 on over $100 worth of groceries the other day. And it will get much better, because I didn't even have most of the coupons on the list because I haven't been clipping them long enough.

6) I've been flirting with the idea of getting rid of everything we've saved of christopher's. Our storage space is full of all of his clothes, toys, and baby stuff (swing, highchair, carrier), and I just think 'why are we keeping it all?' but every time I really think about it, I cry and feel like doing that would be totally giving up on having more kids. Which is kind of dumb, because we're much better off than when we had C, and if we had to get new stuff, it would be fine. But I'm a completely sentimental person, and I want them to have some of the same stuff. I wish I knew what was going to happen. A good friend who completely understands my situation suggested I just go through all of the boxes and save a few special things I really want, which may work for me. Any other ideas?

I think that's about it for now. I'm going to try to make progress in my catastrophe of a house. Tho I just read an email my dad sent that just made me want to throw everything away. If only I could really do it!


pjtemple said...

Hey, what's the grocery game? You can reply on FB if it's easier.

Amber and The Boys said...

Yay for the Grocery Game! Isn't it the greatest? I saved $150 last week alone! Yes, get rid of all of C's stuff because the moment you do it you will miraculously get pregnant. :)