Friday, January 23, 2009

Dr.'s appointment

I should also add that today I had an appointment and all is well. It took the nurse a while to find the heartbeat, and when she did, it seemed very fast (168 & 170 the two times she could locate it); but neither she or the doctor seemed concerned, so we're calling it good. Christopher was usually in the 140's, so that seems pretty darn high to me, but whatever. Everything else is good. My due date is August 18th, not that that means anything, tho it would be really nice if the baby was born within a couple of days of that, because the Rockies are off those days and I'd like to not miss work if possible. I know, I'm a dork, but I hardly missed any last time and I'd prefer not to this time either! Now of course, I just cursed myself to a really complicated C-section or something. We'll deal with whatever, I just keep praying the baby is healthy and I'm still waiting for the end of the first trimester. 2 weeks to go!

I'm already wearing maternity clothes which I find deplorable, but I gave in because I had to wear the same pair of jeans every single day and that was getting really old. And whenever I washed them (which was obviously often!), they were still tight. The truth of the matter is, before I got pregnant this time around, I was the heaviest I've ever been, and even not pregnant I was growing out of my regular clothes. I'm going to need a workout buddy and a gym membership after this one, because I'm not letting that happen again! I can't afford the new wardrobe!


Amber and The Boys said...

Don't worry! That is a normal heart rate-especially early on. Dal's was around that I know. I think into the 180s and maybe even higher is normal. I have been praying for you every single day!

Mullin Fam said...

I was so excited when my sisters told me that you were pregnant! Congratulations! And Kate's heart rate was always that fast, so no worries. Tommy wasn't as high as Kate was. But I asked my doctor and they said that a fast or slow heart rate doesn't mean a boy or a girl, just every kid is different. But with me Kate's heart rate was higher! Maybe it is a girl!!! I hope you are feeling okay!