I was debating whether to even put up a tree this year, but Joel was all for it, and half the stuff was already out, so we went for it. I totally changed the way we decorated our tree this year. I used to want to do all blue and silver, but this past year my favorite sister-in-law (and NOT just cuz you're the only one, Jody!) bought me the victorian Minnie Mouse tree topper I was totally coveting at Disney World (don't worry, I've repented... : P). So we got stuff to go with it. Eventually hopefully we'll get some of the other ornaments that actually go with Minnie. But for now, we got some poinsettas and balls, and lots of Disney ornaments (those aren't really visible, if we even had them on when I took the pic). Anyway, I love how it turned out!

The (mostly) completed tree unlit.

....and lit

C admiring the tree before Joel even got all the lights working. He had a blast helping out!
What a gorgeous tree.
Love love love Christmas . . . . Oh by the way, Thanks for the tag(;
Merry Christmas!!
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