Thursday, October 09, 2008

Momma's Boy

Not the best pic of either of us, but we took it together and C loves it. My mother still calls him a Momma's Boy and says he's too attached to me, but recently I've realized that mostly he's just in a phase where he wants to have more control than he does. I know I posted about him saying he hates me and Joel. And now he more frequently says to me "I don't love you anymore, get a boy at the new boy store" in a sad little voice. He know it hurts me, I just can't hide it, I've tried. But mostly he only says these things when I'm making him do something against his will. Mostly right now it's things with scheduling. He wants to have control over where we go, and when. Most days wherever we leave for in the morning, he'll say "I don't want to go there!" but when we get to that destination, after a few minutes, he's fine. Then when we go to leave that place, he doesn't want to go wherever we're going next! It's mostly just frustrating because it takes us longer to get around, he puts up quite the fight!
So, it's the same thing if I leave him somewhere. He just wasn't ready to be away from me. But just as often as he cries when I leave him at my parents', later when I walk through the door, he immediately puts a hand up and says "No! I don't want to go home with you!" So, I just can't win!
I've also noticed that he uses the momma's boy thing to his advantage. When we try to put him to bed, and he says "I just want to cuddle you, mommy," I can not resist. He knows this, so he'll use it to stay up a few more minutes talking with me. Little manipulating devil. If only he weren't so darn cute!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Aren't they little toads sometimes. He is a little darling though. Once Kaiden said he didn't like me anymore and I said I would go and find him a new mummy, one that he would love and he burst into tears. Aren't I the worst mother ever. A little harsh I know but he hasn't said it since. I think they all go through this faze at sometime. Girls just go through it when they are teenagers and it lasts longer. And as far as being a mumma's boy . . . enjoy it. It probably wont last forever so enjoy it while it's what he wants. Nothing wrong with a boy loving his mumma. I have a mumma'a boy too and to be honest I love it.