Thursday, October 09, 2008

And finally....."a day in the life of me at the ballpark"

This is 3/4 of (usually) the Command Center staff. We always have Wally and I, barring emergency surgery, having a baby, or other reasons to miss on either of our parts. I do the maintenance, engineering, stadium ops, and other random calls; Wally is in charge of security checks, opening gates, atms, and other random calls. Then we always have a member of the Denver Police Department. Shown here is Detective Holly K. She does more than half the games. Then we also have a Denver Paramedic. They've gotten more and more random, the one there at this game took this pic for us. Don't we look happy?? : P During the DNC and playoff and World Series games last year, we also had a member of the FBI in there with us. Fun times.
This is before the game. My view looking towards most of the CC. The paramedic sitting there is Tim. Before the game, one of the bike medics sits with us to dispatch any batting practice assaults. Their dispatcher doesn't get there until later. Just this year the bikes got these nifty neon, reflective shirts, mostly because of the DNC. They love them SOOOOO much. lol : P.
This is my view of the ballpark from my seat. In fact, I think I scooted over to the left a bitto take this pic, because usually I can't see much more than first base. I watch most of the game on TV. As you can see, the more people standing on the concourse, the less we can see. Our view is blocked most of the time during games.

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