Saturday, August 22, 2009

1 week old(ish)

So, baby Cameron is just over a week old now. He sleeps for 5-7 hour stretches, which is wonderful. He eats like a horse and was back up to his birth weight at exactly a week. We had to take him into the pediatrician 3 days in a row because he was a little jaundiced. But now he's great. Here are some pics. They're not great because they're from my phone. Our computer crashed and so we don't have the software to upload pics from our camera at the moment. The first 2 are from about exactly a week old, he was just laying around looking cute and I had to take pictures (my phone is full of pics like this!).

Hard to believe they're not smiling for a reason....

....or thinking about something very seriously.....

This one is my favorite. I put him on the changing table this morning and had to go grab something, and when I came back he was doing this:

This is funny because my sister Denise sucked those two fingers just like this for years. I myself was a thumb-sucker. He's only done it once, but I think it's pretty funny. He almost always goes for his fingers when he's hungry. He seems to think there is supposed to be something in there he can eat.
Anyway, I'm thrilled to be a new mom again. Christopher is a great big brother. Not to say we're not having some growing pains, but what's cute is that he doesn't even realize the source of his frustration. We ask him if he wants to spend time alone with Mom or Dad, and he wants to include Cameron. He also makes sure that Cameron always has his tiny teddy bear, and that if he's in his pack n' play or papasan, there's music playing for him. He also usually "helps" me feed Cameron. Everyone's pretty excited to have a baby in the house. Joel and I are both back to work, thank goodness for Grammy and Papa (and Mitchell too)!! Cameron came to his first Rockies game at 8 days, my first day back. My parents happened to have planned to come anyway, so he beat Christopher to a game by a couple of days. More updates and pictures to come, I'm sure. Everyone will be sick of all the pictures I'll post. Muah-ah-ah! : )


Amber and The Boys said...

Oh I wish I was closer so I could snuggle him. I love that sucking the fingers picture.

April said...

Too precious! Man he sleeps good! You make cute kids :)

Jamie said...

Congratulations, he is adorable! Wish you were still in the ward! I miss the hall class:)