Friday, June 26, 2009

Florida Trip June 2009

Well, I finally got around to downloading my pictures, and had a lot more of them than I thought! I kept forgetting my camera, and it actually was dead part of the trip as well, so I thought I wouldn't have many pics, but there are a few, so this will be multiple posts, unless by some miracle I can figure out how to include more than 5 in each. Probably easier to break it down anyway.

Everything else is going pretty well. We've decided to name the baby Cameron Wyatt. One of the things that I don't have a picture of is that we got infant mickey ears with the name, if that's not decided, I don't know what is : ) ! It was kind of sketchy for a moment, because trying to get the ears made, they had to use 3 hats and 3 different machines (and yet, not problem getting "christopher" on C's new youth-sized ones...)! I was starting to doubt our decision for a few moments, but we finally got them. Christopher (I realize now that with naming both boys "C" names, I'm going to have to write our Christopher now) keeps saying Cameron can't have his own ears, but other than that, no sibling rivalry yet! OK, on to trip report.

1 comment:

Amber and The Boys said...

Love the name for the baby! Cameron has always been one of my favorites. I meant to tell you this a while ago. To add more than 5 pics to a blog just add the five, click done and end up back at the blog. Then just click the add image button again and do it all again. I am having problems getting mine to move around lately but at least no problems getting lots of pics on it. Hope that helps!