Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Going to the World Series!!!

This past month has been crazy in just about every way possible for us. We thought we were going to have to move, and now that's on the backburner. Christopher is more active, curious, independant yet clingy, and is growing faster than ever. Joel and I have hashed out a tentative five-year plan that includes Joel going back to school and possibly moving out of state. And then, of course, there's been the Rockies. Work has been CRAZY. And while I'm really excited about Rocktober, it hasn't exactly been fun at work. So anyway, breaking it all down.........

We thought we were pretty much at the end of our rope with trying to buy our home. We tried working with several mortgage brokers and it just didn't seem like we could do it by our May deadline, so we had pretty much decided to get it ready to sell and move, but our property owners think they may be able to carry it longer, so were going to hang in and try to see what happens as we get closer. I do love this place and with our new plan for the future, building any kind of equity is good, and we already have a vested interest here, so here's hoping it works out : )

Christopher has gone from being my baby (which I can't seem to stop calling him), to a toddler, and is rapidly moving towards full-fledged boy. It's crazy. Part of me wants him to stay little and mourns not having a baby around, but mostly I am fascinated at how fast he learns and grows. They just catch on to things you'd never think would appeal to them and he surprises me every day! Our schedule is kind of crazy right now, but most days we hang out together playing baseball, watching Disney movies, and frequenting the childrens section of Barnes and Noble. He recently got into trains there and we bought him his first set. Joel was playing with it more than C, but it's evening out now : )

So, whilst we were trying so hard to buy the house, figure out our credit and everything, Joel and I realized we didn't exactly know what we really wanted to have happen for the next few years, so we finally came to the realization that we should at least have some goals to work towards. Joel is not sure he wants to be in banking long-term, which I knew, but I never really heard anything come out that he really wanted to do. I just know he's good with numbers and people and loves interaction. So, for now, we decided we may as well take advantage of the program his company offers to pay for school. We're hoping to get him enrolled in a Business program as soon as possible (ie after the Rox are done : )) and get a degree under his belt. Right now we're thinking we'll end up back at Disney in some form, but nothing is certain, of course.

And then of course, there's the Rockies. The ride they are on is incredible and I don't really know if any of us understand the magnitude of it yet. It's almost like they can't lose. I think they could sleepwalk through the games and somehow we would win them (sorry for the "we", it's just how I am). The actual work part has been pretty stressful though. The Wild Card Tiebreaker was the worst. Everyone was just scrambling. I just don't think anyone thought we would really win all of those games to get there at the end of the season! I got chastised a bit for leaving the command center to go to the bathroom that night! It also took 5+ hours and 13 innings to win that game (which, for the record, never should have gone into extra innings. The home run call was bad, we totally had it), and it was very tense. But the feeling at the end was amazing and I just love to watch the players every time they realize they've taken another big step. I am, however, a bit annoyed with some of the fans. Stupid drunk people get really old after a few of these kinds of games. Last night there were near-riots, people throwing things on the TBS set (Cal Ripken, by the way, is awesome. He signed autographs just about every free minute and wasn't fazed by getting rally towels thrown on him. Frank Thomas too), jumping on the field, climbing into the dugout.......I am not sure why these things are exciting to people. I'm thrilled for the organization to be going to the World Series, but am honestly dreading the sure-to-be-increased craziness that will come with it. I guess now I know why we have twice the normal cops, plus lots of extra precautions and personnel for these games.

So, until next time......

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