Sorry! I'm mostly apologizing to myself, because I really want to keep better records, but it has been a while and I know everyone has been asking about more recent pictures too. So, I will post some and catch up on Halloween and such!
First, some funny quotes from Christopher:
Overheard while putting together a photo book in the next room (Cameron was in his little swing and Christopher was "watching" him and a little TV): "Cameron, mommy and daddy told me there was a baby in mommy's tummy, and I wanted a brother, so I got you! I'm your big brother. I only want brothers, no baby sisters!" (this went on for a while, but this is the general idea).
"Papa, get your butt over here!" (this was said very forcefully because he wanted help playing games on Papa's cell phone)
"My name is CHRISTOPHERD" (because his name isn't long enough, apparently....)
"I LIKE to see Grammy naked!" (once when we were trying to keep him out of my parents' room so my mom could change)