Well, we've narrowed down some names. We could completely change our minds by the time the baby comes, but I'm curious to see what's popular among our friends and family, so I added a poll on the right. Keep in mind it has to go with the last name "Gainey." These are the most popular among my family members so far. Christopher has a favorite, and I'm not sure what will happen if we don't use it, but it's pretty popular so far. I'll reveal it when the poll is over.
I'll try to post soon. It's been really busy and really hard, with some of the things going on, and as usual, I don't want to post in the heat of the moment. Suffice it to say we have moved, and most of that has been pretty good. Something very unexpected happened to make things a bit difficult, but we're managing so far and we'll see what happens.
Christopher is now insisting on being called "Christopherd" on a daily basis, we're still not sure where it even came from. He has had somewhat of a hard time with the move, but there are things he loves, like the boys and dogs to play with next door, the trampoline in the back yard, and helping Papa dig in the garden. We had a garage sale for a couple of weekends, and I was amazed at how easily he let go of his stuff. He would ask about something, and I would brace for a fit, but I would just say "well, we're letting another little boy or girl have that since we don't need it anymore," and he was fine. We had prepared him a bit by letting him choose between a lot of the doubles we had between us and my parents, so I think that helped. We're trying to get him excited about starting preschool in the summer or fall, but he doesn't seem to think he needs an education at all : ).
Joel is still plugging away at school and work. His commute is a bit more difficult now with no lightrail access and only one car, that's the main thing we're making work, but so far we're getting it done.
I'm very busy with the salon, Rockies games and substituting at Rangeview. The pregnancy is going fine, tho it seems a little harder on my body this time around. I'm looking forward to doing new things with C this summer, and having 2 cute little boys. Hope everyone is doing well!
12 years ago